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International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP)
An International peer-review journal operated under CSC-OpenAccess Policy.
ISSN - 1985-2304
Published - Bi-Monthly   |   Established - 2007   |   Year of Publication - 2024

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April 30, 2025

May 31, 2025

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Below calculations are based on citations that are extracted through Google Scholar until December 31, 2020.

Total Citations = 2396
Self Citations = 0
Total Publications = 351

Citation Impact
(Total Citations - Self Citations) / Total Publications

Citation Impact
(2396 - 0) / 351 = 6.826

Shi, J., Yan, Q., Xu, L., & Jia, J. Hierarchical Image Saliency Detection on Extended CSSD.
Panchal, T., Patel, H., & Panchal, A. (2016). License Plate Detection Using Harris Corner and Character Segmentation by Integrated Approach from an Image. Procedia Computer Science, 79, 419-425.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Halarnkar, P. N. (2016). Partial Image Scrambling Using Walsh Sequency in Sinusoidal Wavelet Transform Domain. In Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (pp. 471-484). Springer International Publishing.
Savitha, S. K., & Naveen, N. C. Study for Assessing the Advancement of Imaging Techniques in Chest Radiographic Images.
Niri, E. D., & Singh, T. (2016). Unscented Transformation based estimation of parameters of nonlinear models using heteroscedastic data. Pattern Recognition, 55, 160-171.
Phadikar, A., Kumar, N., Phadikar, B. S., & Maity, G. K. (2016). Video summarisation using optimum global threshold technique based on genetic algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, 7(1), 1-12.
Thamizharasi, A., & Jayasudha, J. S. (2016). An Illumination Invariant Face Recognition by Selection of DCT Coefficients. International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), 10(1), 14.
Klingensmith, M., Herrmann, M., & Srinivasa, S. S. (2016). Object Modeling and Recognition from Sparse, Noisy Data via Voxel Depth Carving. In Experimental Robotics (pp. 697-713). Springer International Publishing.
Shaukat, A., Gao, Y., Kuo, J. A., Bowen, B. A., & Mort, P. E. (2016). Visual classification of waste material for nuclear decommissioning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, 365-378.
Jain, M., & Singh, D. (2016). A Survey on CBIR on the Basis of Different Feature Descriptor. British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 14(6), 1.
Serdouk, Y., Nemmour, H., & Chibani, Y. (2016). New Off-line Handwritten Signature Verification Method based on Artificial Immune Recognition System. Expert Systems with Applications.
Vadali, S., Deekshitulu, G. S., & Murthy, J. V. R. (2016). Optimization of Hyperspectral Images and Performance Evaluation Using Effective Loss Algorithm. In Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (pp. 919-927). Springer Singapore.
Babu, K. S., Thyagharajan, K. K., & Ramachandran, V. (2016). Compression of Hyper-Spectral Images and Its Performance Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2015 (pp. 599-609). Springer India.
Vinay, S. K. (2016). Bins Approach To Content Based Image Retrieval.
Akar, A., Gökalp, E., Akar, Ö., & Yilmaz, V. (2016). Improving classification accuracy of spectrally similar land covers in the rangeland and plateau areas with a combination of WorldView-2 and UAV images. Geocarto International, (just-accepted), 1-26.Yadav, S., Rizvi, I., & Kadam, S. Comparative study of object based image analysis on high resolution
Alqahtani, K. M. (2016). A Graphical Processing Unit Based on Real Time System (Doctoral dissertation).
Naveen, S., & Moni, R. S. (2016). Contourlet and Fourier Transform Features Based 3D Face Recognition System. In Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (pp. 411-425). Springer International Publishing.
Kedar, S., Bormane, D. S., & Nair, V. (2016). Heart Disease Prediction Using k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Handwritten Text. In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining—Volume 1 (pp. 49-56). Springer India.
Saaidia, M., Zermi, N., & Ramdani, M. (2016). Multiple Image Characterization Techniques for Enhanced Facial Expression Recognition. In Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (pp. 497-509). Springer International Publishing.
Perveen, N., Ahmad, N., Khan, M. A. Q. B., Khalid, R., & Qadri, S. Facial Expression Recognition Through Machine Learning.
Mohammed, S. N., George, L. E., & Dawood, H. A. The Effect of Classification Methods on Facial Emotion Recognition Accuracy.
Satyawana, S. (2016). Novel Technique for Video Segmentation and Image Matching. Science, Engineering and Technology, 59.
Zhang, Y. Y., Wang, Z. P., & Lv, X. D. (2016). Saliency Detection via Sparse Reconstruction Errors of Covariance Descriptors on Riemannian Manifolds. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-18.
Wu, X., Du, M., Chen, W., & Wang, J. (2016). Salient object detection via region contrast and graph regularization. Science China Information Sciences, 1-14.
Sun, X., Su, A., Chen, S., Yu, Q., & Liu, X. (2016). Objectness to assist salient object detection. IET Image Processing, 10(5), 391-397.
Raj, E. M. S., & Kumaresan, M. (2016). Boundary Detection Algorithm For Brain Tumor Position And Area Detection Using OPENCV. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(7), 5326-5331.
Sampurno, J., Faryuni, I. D., & Ivansyah, O. (2016, March). Automated analysis of image mammogram for breast cancer diagnosis. In THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP) 2014 (Vol. 1719, p. 030036). AIP Publishing.
Santhosh, B., & Viswanath, K. (2016). Review on Secured Medical Image Processing. In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (pp. 531-537). Springer India.
Tiwari, L. K., Sinha, S. K., Saran, S., Tolpekin, V. A., & Raju, P. L. (2016). Forest encroachment mapping in Baratang Island, India, using maximum likelihood and support vector machine classifiers. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10(1), 016016-016016.
Taniguchi, Y., Mizushima, M., Hasegawa, G., Nakano, H., & Matsuoka, M. (2016). Counting Pedestrians Passing Through a Line in Crowded Scenes by Extracting Optical Flows. International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information, 19(1), 303.
Enireddy, V., PhaniKumar, D. V. V. S., & Kishore, G. Application of Fisher Score and mRMR Techniques for Feature Selection in Compressed Medical Images.
Jain, M., & Lenka, S. K. (2016). A Review of Digital Image Steganography using LSB and LSB Array. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(3), 1820-1824.
Brahmbhatt, K. N., & Makwana, R. M. (2016). Implementation and Comparative Study of Image Fusion Methods in Frequency Domain. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (pp. 271-278). Springer India.
Verma, S., Wakode, J. S., & Kannurkar, P. S. Two Level Two Dimensional Wavelet Transform Based QR Code Watermarking Algorithm.
Norhikmah, N., Safitri, A. R., & Sholikhan, L. A. (2016). Penggunaan qr code dalam presensi berbasis android. semnasteknomedia online, 4(1), 4-7.
Palumbo, F., Gallicchio, C., Pucci, R., & Micheli, A. (2016). Human activity recognition using multisensor data fusion based on Reservoir Computing. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 8(2), 87-107.
Vinay, S. K. (2016). Bins Approach To Content Based Image Retrieval.
Singh, A. K. (2016). Some New Techniques of Improved Wavelet Domain Watermarking ofr Medical Images.
Pandey, R., Singh, A. K., Kumar, B., & Mohan, A. (2016). Iris based secure NROI multiple eye image watermarking for teleophthalmology. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-17.
Xie, C., Huang, X., Zeng, W., & Fang, X. (2016). A novel water index for urban high-resolution eight-band WorldView-2 imagery. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-17.
Salas, E. A. L., Boykin, K. G., & Valdez, R. (2016). Multispectral and Texture Feature Application in Image-Object Analysis of Summer Vegetation in Eastern Tajikistan Pamirs. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 78.
Baan, F., Liebregts, J., Xi, T., Schreurs, R., de Koning, M., Bergé, S., & Maal, T. (2016). A New 3D Tool for Assessing the Accuracy of Bimaxillary Surgery: The OrthoGnathicAnalyser. PloS one, 11(2), e0149625.
Sarode, T., Pillai, D., Pokale, S., & Prabhu, T. (2016). Image Encryption in Transform Domain using Circular Shift. International Journal of Computer Applications, 140(11).
Sarode, T., Pillai, D., Pokale, S., & Prabhu, T. (2016). Image Encryption in Transform Domain using Circular Shift. International Journal of Computer Applications, 140(11).
Bhong, V. S., & Pawar, B. V. Study and Analysis of Cotton Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing.
López-Serrano, P. M., Corral-Rivas, J. J., Díaz-Varela, R. A., Álvarez-González, J. G., & López-Sánchez, C. A. (2016). Evaluation of Radiometric and Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Landsat 5 TM Data. Remote Sensing, 8(5), 369.
What carpet, M, happy, R., & Frydhsyny. (2016, February). The use of lidar technology to create a digital terrain model. In the First International Conference Third national conference on architecture, urban restoration and sustainable environment.
Hettiarachchi, R., & Peters, J. F. (2016). Voronoi Region-Based Adaptive Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.00533.
Suqi, A., & Lim, T. W. (2016). Detection and Identification of Objects Using Point Cloud Data for Pose Estimation. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (p. 2095).
Nalini, M. P., & Malleswari, B. L. Review on Content Based Image Retrieval: From Its Origin to the New Age.
YAO Court, in Yan & East (2016). Image retrieval method based on features of interest points. Jilin University (Science Edition), 54 (02), 323-328.
Wang, Y., Liu, X., & Tang, Z. (2016, January). An R-CNN Based Method to Localize Speech Balloons in Comics. In MultiMedia Modeling (pp. 444-453). Springer International Publishing.
Choi, J. H., Lee, M., Kang, K., & Kim, J. O. Adaptive Color Saturation Control for Low Power RGBW OLED Displays.
García Moreno, L. M., & Barandica Zemanate, E. (2016). " Implementación de realidad aumentada en planos topográficos como componente interactivo de los entornos geográficos virtuales"[recurso electrónico] (Doctoral dissertation).
Luo, D., Sun, M., & Huang, J. (2016). Audio Post-processing Detection Based on Amplitude Co-occurrence Vector Feature.
Harinath, D., Babu, K. R., Satyanarayana, P., & Murthy, M. R. (2016). Defect Detection in Fabric using Wavelet Transform and Genetic Algorithm. Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 3(6), 10.
Roy, A., Schaffer, J. D., & Laramee, C. B. (2016). A novel approach to signal classification with an application to identifying the alcoholic brain. Applied Soft Computing, 43, 406-414.
Zhang, F., Wang, X., & Sun, K. (2016). A Report on Multilinear PCA Plus GTDA to Deal With Face Image. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 16(1), 146-157.
Liu, C. (2016). Digits Recognition on Medical Device (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Western Ontario).
Islam, R., & Islam, M. R. (2015). An Image Processing Technique to Calculate Percentage of Disease Affected Pixels of Paddy Leaf. International Journal of Computer Applications, 123(12).
Gambaruto, A. M. (2015). Processing the image gradient field using a topographic primal sketch approach. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering, 31(3).
Al-Ameen, Z., & Sulong, G. (2015). A new algorithm for improving the low contrast of computed tomography images using tuned brightness controlled single-scale Retinex. Scanning, 37(2), 116-125.
Sampath, R., & Saradha, A. Alzheimer’s Disease Image Segmentation with Self-Organizing Map Network.
Anh, D. N. Smooth Context based Color Transfer.
DUAN, L., & KONG, L. (2015). Salient Region Detection with Hierarchical Image Abstraction. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 31, 861-878.
Imran, M., Hashim, R., & Elaiza, N. (2015). Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Layout Descriptor and Generic Fourier Descriptor. In Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (pp. 163-170). Springer International Publishing.
Chathurani, N. W. U. D., Geva, S., & Chandran, V. Conversion of an Image to a Document Using Grid-based Decomposition for Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval.
Fadillah, A., & Tjokorda Agung, B. W. implementasi dan analisis salient point detector berdasarkan wavelet pada cbir (content based image retrieval) implementation and analysis wavelet-based salient point detector in cbir (content based image retrieval).
Polaka, I. (2015, August). Feature Selection Approaches In Antibody Display. In Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 16-23).
Javed, A., Chai, W. Y., Alenezi, A. R., & Kulathuramaiyer, N. (2015). Fully Automatic Detections of Abnormalities of Brain MR Images by utilizing Spatial Information and Mathematical Morphological Operators. Appl. Math, 9(1), 213-222.
Karthick, C., Idrissyedismail, S., Arunkailasam, E., Dhanapal, S., & Devika, T. the international journal of science & technoledge.
Bangare, S. L., Patil, M., Bangare, P. S., & Patil, S. T. Implementing Tumor Detection and Area Calculation in Mri Image of Human Brain Using Image Processing Techniques.
Tembhekar, P. A., Thakare, M. N., & Dhande, S. A. Spatial Fuzzy Clustering With Level Set Method for MRI Image.
Balakumar, B., & Raviraj, P. Automatic brain tumour MR image segmentation performance analysis using Threshold and Genetic algorithm.
Deore, M. R., & Handore, S. M. (2015, May). A survey on offline signature recognition and verification schemes. In Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 165-169). IEEE.
Wani, N. S., & Patil, S. P. (2015). Robust Signature Verification and Recognition using Weighted Features Point. Signature, 3(6).
Chugh, A., Jain, C., Singh, P., & Rana, P. (2015, January). Learning Approach for Offline Signature Verification Using Vector Quantization Technique. In Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future-Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India (CSI) Volume 1 (pp. 337-344). Springer International Publishing.
Widodo, A. W., & Harjoko, A. (2015). sistem verifikasi tanda tangan off-line berdasar ciri histogram of oriented gradient (hog) dan histogram of curvature (HoC). Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 2(1).
Saraswat, S., Sinha, S. K., & Kumar, M. an optimized handwritten signature verification by ann.
Joon, M. D., & Kikon, M. S. An analytical approach towards Offline Handwritten Signatures Verification using Wavelets transforms and other relevant techniques.
Singh, P. K., Sarkar, R., & Nasipuri, M. (2015). Offline Script Identification from multilingual Indic-script documents: A state-of-the-art. Computer Science Review, 15, 1-28.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015). performance comparison of hybrid wavelet transforms formed using dct, walsh, haar and dkt in watermarking. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 7(1), 41.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015). performance analysis of watermarking using svd and column/row hybrid wavelet transform of dct with walsh, haar and dkt. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 8(1), 1985.
Nayak, M., & Nayak, A. K. (2015). Odia Running Text Recognition Using Moment-Based Feature Extraction and Mean Distance Classification Technique. In Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices (pp. 497-506). Springer India.
Singh, P. K., Sarkar, R., & Nasipuri, M. (2015). Offline Script Identification from multilingual Indic-script documents: A state-of-the-art. Computer Science Review, 15, 1-28.
Naubadkar, S., & Meera, A. (2015). Enhanced Algorithm For Tracking number Plate From Vehicle Using Blob Analysis.
Peer, S., & Mishra, A. Tracking and segmentation of number plates of Indian vehicles using matlab.
Messali, Z., Chetih, N., Serir, A., & Boudjelal, A. (2015). A Quantitative Comparative Study of Back Projection, Filtered Back Projection, Gradient and Bayesian Reconstruction Algorithms in Computed Tomography (CT). International Journal of Probability and Statistics, 4(1), 12-31.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015). Performance Comparison of Watermarking Using SVD with Orthogonal Transforms and Their Wavelet Transforms. International journal of image, graphics and signal processing, submitted for publication.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015, January). Robust watermarking by SVD of watermark embedded in DKT-DCT and DCT wavelet column transform of host image. In Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Thepade, S. D., Dewan, J. H., Erandole, S. S., & Patil, P. H. (2015, February). Proposing self mutation of hybrid wavelet transform with Cosine-Kekre, Cosine-Sine & Cosine-Walsh for image compression. In Futuristic Trends on Computational Analysis and Knowledge Management (ABLAZE), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 684-690). IEEE.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015). Robust Watermarking for Color Images using SVD with Column/Row Wavelet transforms in Low and Mid-frequency spectrum of host. Advances in Image and Video Processing, 2(6), 01-14.
Sharma, P., & Vig, R. (2015). a wavelet based biomedical image compression with roi coding.
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T. K., & Vig, R. (2015). A new multi-resolution hybrid wavelet for analysis and image compression. International Journal of Electronics, (ahead-of-print), 1-19.
Shayegan, M. A. (2015). Dataset size and dimensionality reduction approaches for handwritten farsi digits and characters recognition (Doctoral dissertation, University of Malaya).
Yadav, S., Rizvi, I., & Kadam, S. Urban Tree Canopy Detection Using Object-Based Image Analysis for Very High Resolution Satellite Images: A Literature Review.
Nagarajan, S., & Subashini, T. S. (2015). Weighted Euclidean Distance Based Sign Language Recognition Using Shape Features. In Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (pp. 149-156). Springer India.
Bulgakov, A., Emelianov, S., Schach, R., Sayfeddine, D., & Erofeev, V. (2015). Maintaining vertical gardens using quadrotor aerial inspection.
Mahajan, P. M., & Chaudhari, J. S. Review of Finger Spelling Sign Language Recognition.
Dongare, Y. B., & Patole, R. skin color detection and background subtraction fusion for hand gesture segmentation.
Mathew, S. P., Balas, V. E., & Zachariah, K. P. (2015). A Content-based Image Retrieval System Based On Convex Hull Geometry. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 12(1).
Thepade, S. D., & Mhaske, V. (2015, February). New Clustering Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using Hybrid Haar Slant Error Vector. In Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 634-640). IEEE.
Thepade, S. D., & Bhondave, R. K. (2015, January). Bimodal biometric identification with Palmprint and Iris traits using fractional coefficients of Walsh, Haar and Kekre transforms. In Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Andriady, A., Sanjaya, F., & Alamsyah, D. Pengenalan Wajah Manusia dengan Hidden Markov Model (HMM) dan Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Kekre, H. B., Sarode, T., & Natu, S. (2015). performance analysis of watermarking using svd and column/row hybrid wavelet transform of dct with walsh, haar and dkt. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 8(1), 1985.
Ghousel, M. K., & Chillakuru, P. (2015). Face Image Retrieval using Contextual and HAAR Feature Extraction. Digital Image Processing, 7(5), 164-166.
Zhang, F., Qi, L., & Chen, E. A Survey on Multilinear PCA Plus GTDA to Deal With Biometric Signal.
Ketcham, M., & Ganokratanaa, T. (2015). The analysis of lane detection algorithms using histogram shapes and Hough transform. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 8(3), 262-278.
Latha, Y. M., & Prasad, M. V. (2015). GLCM Based Texture Features for Palmprint Identification System. In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 1 (pp. 155-163). Springer India.
Jaafar, H., Ibrahim, S., & Ramli, D. A. (2015). A robust and fast computation touchless palm print recognition system using LHEAT and the IFkNCN classifier. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2015, 43.
Sara, s., ahmed, h., yassine, s. t., achraf, b., & bouchaib, c. (2015). new brain extraction method using expectation maximization and mathematical morphology. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 73(3).
Sheejakumari, V., & Sankara Gomathi, B. (2015). MRI brain images healthy and pathological tissues classification with the aid of improved particle swarm optimization and neural network. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2015.
Smitha, S. P. An Assessment Of Video Quality Using Watermark.
Ibrar-ul-Haque, M., Tahir Qadri, M., & Siddiqui, N. (2015). Reduced reference blockiness and blurriness meter for image quality assessment. The Imaging Science Journal, 63(5), 296-302.
Juliet, S., Rajsingh, E. B., & Ezra, K. (2015). Compression of medical images for remote diagnosis based on geometric transforms. International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices, 1(1), 17-31.
Bhuvaneswari, P., & Therese, A. B. (2015). Detection of Cancer in Lung with K-NN Classification Using Genetic Algorithm. Procedia Materials Science, 10, 433-440.
Punithavathy, K., Ramya, M. M., & Poobal, S. Analysis of Statistical Texture Features for Automatic Lung Cancer Detection in PET/CT Images.
Kumar, K. S. (2015). Analysis and classification of wound images for healing assessment.
Helonde, M. R. P., & Banubakode, M. S. S. A Study on Various Image Fusion Techniques.
Helonde, M. R. P., & Joshi, M. R. Image Fusion Based on Medical Images Using DWT and PCA Methods.
Lakshmi, A. S., & SN, N. S. Cardiac Cycle Phase Estimation in 2-D Echocardiographic Images Using SVM.
Reshna, S., & Jayaraju, M. (2015). A survey on Segmentation and Feature extraction of Images in Indian Sign Language Recognition System.
Ghotkar, A. S., & Kharate, G. K. (2015). Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition and Novel Sentence Interpretation Algorithm for Indian Sign Language Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor. Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, 1, 24-38.
Kishore, P. V. V., Rahul, R., Sravya, K., & Sastry, A. S. C. S. (2015, August). Crowd Density Analysis and tracking. In Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1209-1213). IEEE.
Shayegan, M. A. (2015). Dataset size and dimensionality reduction approaches for handwritten farsi digits and characters recognition (Doctoral dissertation, University of Malaya).
Neethu, S., & Venkataraman, D. (2015). Stroke Detection in Brain Using CT Images. In Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (pp. 379-386). Springer India.
Karthik, R., Menaka, R., & Chellamuthu, C. (2015). A comprehensive framework for classification of brain tumour images using SVM and curvelet transform. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 17(2), 168-177.
El-Khamy, S. E., Sadek, R. A., & El-Khoreby, M. A. (2015, October). An efficient brain mass detection with adaptive clustered based fuzzy C-mean and thresholding. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) (pp. 429-433). IEEE.
Sharma, K., & Mittal, D. (2015). Contrast Enhancement Technique for CT Images. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging, 2(1), 44.
Cai, L., Tang, D., & Li, C. (2015). An investigation of spatial variation of suspended sediment concentration induced by a bay bridge based on Landsat TM and OLI data. Advances in Space Research.
Warne, P. P., & Ganorkar, S. R. (2015). Detection of Diseases on Cotton Leaves Using K-Mean Clustering Method.
CHAVHAN, S. D., & dudhe, a. an efficient disease diagnostic and treatment system for cotton plant using digital image processing.
Kalmegh, S. M., & Dhopte, S. V. Determination of Nitrogen Deficiency in Soya Bean Using Edge Detection.
Ma, X., Liu, C., & Zhao, L. (2015). Face Fusion Recognition Based on Bit-Plane Image. Open Automation and Control Systems Journal, 7, 835-841.
Singh, P. K., Alam, M. M., & Tyagi, S. (2015). Image Encryption Technique Based on Permutation and Combination.
KUMALASANTI, R. A. (2015). Identifikasi dan verifikasi tanda tangan statik menggunakan backpropagation dan alihragam wavelet (doctoral dissertation, uajy).
Yun, S., Xianfeng, W., Shanwen, Z., & Chuanlei, Z. (2015). PNN based crop disease recognition with leaf image features and meteorological data. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 8(4), 60.
Alkama, S., Chahir, Y., & Berkani, D. (2015). Label maps fusion for the marginal segmentation of multi-component images.neural network world, 25(4), 405.
Komang, B. (2015). Implementasi Metode Watershed Transformation Dalam Segmentasi Tulisan Aksara Bali Berbasis Histogram. Proceedings Konferensi Nasional Sistem dan Informatika (KNS&I).
Christian, M. (2015). Electronic nose test unit untuk mengidentifikasi kandungan boraks dalam makanan. semnasteknomedia online, 3(1), 3-8.
Jyoti, A., Mohanty, M. N., Kar, S. K., & Biswal, B. N. (2015, January). Optimized Clustering Method for CT Brain Image Segmentation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014 (pp. 317-324). Springer International Publishing.
Bakharev, P. V., & McIlroy, D. N. (2015). Signal-to-Noise Enhancement of a Nanospring Redox-Based Sensor by Lock-in Amplification. Sensors, 15(6), 13110-13120.
Monteiro, J. C., & Cardoso, J. S. (2015). A Cognitively-Motivated Framework for Partial Face Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios. Sensors, 15(1), 1903-1924.
Charaâ, S., & Ellouze, N. (2015). Discriminating color space selection for edgDiscriminating edge detection using multiscale product wavelet transform. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 12(1), 11.
Patil, P. R. A review on edge detection methodologies.
Mallick, P. K., Satapathy, B. S., Mohanty, M. N., & Kumar, S. S. (2015, February). Intelligent technique for CT brain image segmentation. In Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), 2015 2nd International Conference on (pp. 1269-1277). IEEE.
Prasad, D. K., & Wenhe, L. (2015). Metrics and statistics of frequency of occurrence of metamerism in consumer cameras for natural scenes. JOSA A, 32(7), 1390-1402.
Wang, X., Valdez, T. A., & Bi, J. (2015). Detecting tympanostomy tubes from otoscopic images via offline and online training. Computers in biology and medicine, 61, 107-118.
Sivaraman, K. S., Gautam, S., Sarvesh, S., Khullar, A., Baskar, A., & Vasudevan, S. K. (2015). Object Recognition by Feature Weighted Matrix-A Novel Approach. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(S7), 278-291.
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Bharathi, K. S., & Nivedha, R. A Study on the Fusion of Registered Infrared and Visual Images.
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Abraham, L., & Sasikumar, M. Structural Feature Extraction from Satellite Images.
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