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Segmentation of Brain MR Images for Tumor Extraction by Combining Kmeans Clustering and Perona-Malik Anisotropic Diffusion Model
M. Masroor Ahmed, Dzulkifli Bin Mohammad
Pages - 27 - 34 | Revised - 15-02-2008 | Published - 30-02-2008
Published in International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP)
White Matter (WM), Gray Matter (GM), Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Segmentation of images holds an important position in the area of image
processing. It becomes more important while typically dealing with medical
images where pre-surgery and post surgery decisions are required for the
purpose of initiating and speeding up the recovery process [5] Computer aided
detection of abnormal growth of tissues is primarily motivated by the necessity of
achieving maximum possible accuracy. Manual segmentation of these abnormal
tissues cannot be compared with modern day’s high speed computing machines
which enable us to visually observe the volume and location of unwanted tissues.
A well known segmentation problem within MRI is the task of labeling voxels
according to their tissue type which include White Matter (WM), Grey Matter
(GM) , Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and sometimes pathological tissues like tumor
etc. This paper describes an efficient method for automatic brain tumor
segmentation for the extraction of tumor tissues from MR images. It combines
Perona and Malik anisotropic diffusion model for image enhancement and
Kmeans clustering technique for grouping tissues belonging to a specific group.
The proposed method uses T1, T2 and PD weighted gray level intensity images.
The proposed technique produced appreciative results
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Mr. M. Masroor Ahmed
- Malaysia
Mr. Dzulkifli Bin Mohammad
- Malaysia
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