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International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS)
An International peer-review journal operated under CSC-OpenAccess Policy.
ISSN - 1985-1553
Published - Bi-Monthly   |   Established - 2007   |   Year of Publication - 2024

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February 28, 2025

March 31, 2025

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Below calculations are based on citations that are extracted through Google Scholar until December 31, 2020.

Total Citations = 2088
Self Citations = 5
Total Publications = 372

Citation Impact
(Total Citations - Self Citations) / Total Publications

Citation Impact
(2088 - 5) / 372 = 5.599

Al-Hawari, F., Alufeishat, A., Alshawabkeh, M., Barham, H., & Habahbeh, M. (2017). The software engineering of a three-tier web-based student information system (MyGJU). Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(2), 242-263.
Al-Hawari, F. H. (2017). MyGJU Student View and its Online and Preventive Registration Flow. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(1), 119-133.
Thompson, R. C. (2017). Determining critical success factors for implementation of on-line registration systems (Doctoral dissertation).
Agwa-Ejon, J. F., & Pradhan, A. (2017, July). Technology Connectivity: A Tool for the Selection, Recruitment and Enrolment of Potential Students in South African Universities. In Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2017 Portland International Conference on (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Wahaba, N. A., Marimuthub, R., Othmana, J., & SaifulNizamWarrisa, C. S. P. (2017). Evaluating the Usability of COREs-an Online Conference Registration System. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA CAWANGAN PULAU PINANG PENANG, MALAYSIA, 38.
Jabbar, M. A., Deekshatulu, B. L., & Chandra, P. (2016). A Novel Algorithm for Utility-Frequent Itemset Mining in Market Basket Analysis. In Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (pp. 337-345). Springer International Publishing.
Renza , D., Ballesteros , D. M., & Rincon, R. (2016 ) . Concealment method for steganography image pixel grayscale on color images . Engineering and Science , 12 ( 23) , 145-162.
Stephanie, F. L., & Sharma, R. S. (2016). Health on a Cloud: Modeling Digital Flows in an E-health Ecosystem. Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems, 2, 1-20.
Pillai, J. S., & Padma, T. (2016). The Analysis of PQ Sequences Generated from Continued Fractions for Use as Pseudorandom Sequences in Cryptographic Applications. In Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (pp. 633-644). Springer India.
Singh, K. (2016). Image Steganography Scheme Using Parent Child Relationship in Wavelet Domain. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 14(4), 1.
Barve, S., Desai, S., & Sardinha, R. (2016).Query-Based Extractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2015 (pp. 559-568). Springer India.
Shanmuganathan, S. (2016). A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Approach to Spatial and Non-spatial Attribute Data Mining: A Case Study Experience. In Artificial Neural Network Modelling (pp. 443-472). Springer International Publishing.
Dhveya, R., & Amudha, T. (2016). Role of Bio-Inspired Optimization in Disaster Operations Management Research. In Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (pp. 565-575). Springer International Publishing.
Iwasokun, G. B., & Akinyokun, O. C. Singular-minutiae points relationship-based approach to fingerprint matching.
Jamont, J. P. (2016). Démarche, modèles et outils multi-agents pour l'ingénierie des collectifs cyber-physiques (Doctoral dissertation, Université Grenoble Alpes).
Adewumi, A. O., & Arasomwan, M. A. (2016). On the performance of particle swarm optimisation with (out) some control parameters for global optimisation. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 8(1), 14-32.
Gkartzonikas , A . , & Theoharatos , D . ( 2016 ) . Discovery Framework Information : particle swarm optimization and optimum stop theory.
Viola, A. V., Ese, O. D., & Charles, S. O. A Proposed Hybrid Component Complexity Metrics For Component Based Software Development.
Rathore, M. M., Ahmad, A., & Paul, A. (2016). Real time intrusion detection system for ultra-high-speed big data environments. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-22.
Ruuhwan, R., Riadi, I., & Prayudi, Y. (2016). Penerapan Integrated Digital Forensic Investigation Framework v2 (IDFIF) pada Proses Investigasi Smartphone. Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN), 2(1).
Al-Fayoumi, A., & Hassan, M. (2016). Interactive Visual Search System Based onMachine Learning Algorithm. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 13.
Tarek, M., Ouda, O., & Hamza, T. (2016). Robust cancellable biometrics scheme based on neural networks. IET Biometrics.
Al-Dmour, H., & Al-Ani, A. (2016). Quality optimized medical image information hiding algorithm that employs edge detection and data coding. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 127, 24-43.
Jahantigh , F Firuzi , due to race , R. , Jahantigh , & M. Firuzi . (2016 ) . Identify , evaluate and rank the risk factors Weight & # 1705 ... Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences (JMUMS), 25 (133).
Rashid, F., Miri, A., & Woungang, I. (2016). Secure image deduplication through image compression. Journal of Information Security and Applications.
Md Yunus, N. A., Othman, M., Mohd Hanapi, Z., & Lun, K. Y. (2016). Reliability Review of Interconnection Networks. IETE Technical Review, 1-11.
Khanna, N. (2016). Mitigation of Collaborative Blackhole Attack using TRACEROUTE Mechanism with Enhancement in AODV Routing Protocol.
Jung, S., & Kumar, R. (2016). Security of Routing Protocols in MANETs: A Survey. Global Sci-Tech, 8(1), 22-36.
Pop, F., Tutueanu, R. I., Barbieru, C., Vasile, M. A., & Kolodziej, J. (2016). Adaptive Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Based on Agreement Protocols. In Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing (pp. 193-213). Springer International Publishing.
Anju, P. S., Kuriakose, B., & Paul, V. A Survey On Steganographic Methods Used in Information Hiding.
Mubeen, S., Srinath, N. K., & Subramanya, K. N. (2016). Double Securing from Hackers in B2B E-commerce.
Opoku-Ansah, J., Eghan, M. J., Anderson, B., Boampong, J. N., & Buah-Bassuah, P. K. (2016). Laser-Induced Autofluorescence Technique for Plasmodium falciparum Parasite Density Estimation. Applied Physics Research, 8(2), 43.
Ramesh, M. R., & Reddy, C. S. (2016). a survey on security requirement elicitation methods: classification, merits and demerits. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(1), 64-70.
Bistouni, F., & Jahanshahi, M. (2015). Pars network: a multistage interconnection network with fault-tolerance capability. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 75, 168-183.
Li, D., & Wang, Y. (2015). The Image Retrieval Based on the Hybrid Algorithm of the Primary Color and Color Layout Descriptor.
Anchor , & Abdul race. ( 2015). Identify phishing in online banking site using the optimization algorithm inclined plates . Journal of electronic and cyber defense , 3 ( ??1 ).
Uzunov, A. V., Falkner, K., & Fernandez, E. B. (2015). A comprehensive pattern-oriented approach to engineering security methodologies. Information and Software Technology, 57, 217-247.
Veshkurtsev ,JM model management and monitoring of network elements Telecommunication network using theory of fuzzy sets.
Nayebi, F., Abran, A., & Desharnais, J. M. (2015). Automated selection of a software effort estimation model based on accuracy and uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence Research, 4(2), p45.
Tripathy, A., Agrawal, A., & Rath, S. K. (2015). Classi?cation of Sentimental Reviews Using Machine Learning Techniques. Procedia Computer Science, 57, 821-829.
Bhatia, S., & Attri, V. K. Estimation of Software Development Effort with Machine Learning Approaches: A Review.
Tripathya, A., Agrawalb, A., & Rathc, S. K. Classification of Sentimental Reviews Using Machine Learning Techniques.
Chen, N. (2015). Research on Detection of Business Constraints based on AOP. International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology, 8(2), 243-250.
An, B., Qu, T., & Qi, H. (2015). Chinese MOOC Search Engine. In Intelligent Computation in Big Data Era (pp. 453-458). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Kapur, R. K., & Khatri, S. K. (2015, March). Analysis of attacks on routing protocols in MANETs. In Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA), 2015 International Conference on Advances in (pp. 791-798). IEEE.
Al-Saeedan, W., & Menai, M. E. B. (2015). Swarm intelligence for natural language processing. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 5(2), 117-150.
Alguliyev, R. M., Aliguliyev, R. M., & Isazade, N. R. (2015). an unsupervised approach to generating generic summaries of documents. Applied Soft Computing.
Mohamed, K., Pauzi, M. N. M., Ali, F. H. H. M., & Ariffin, S. (2015, August). Linearity Test Framework for S-Box in Block Cipher. In IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), 2015 5th International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
McIntosh, H. (2015). Vevo and the Business of Online Music Video Distribution. Popular Music and Society, (ahead-of-print), 1-14.
Fatima, M., Ahmad, S. F., & Hasan, M. (2015). Fuzzy Based Software Cost Estimation Methods: A Comparative Study. International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology, 1(7), 287-290.
Iraji, M. S. (2015). Fuzzy Agent Oriented Software Effort Estimate with COCOMO.
Mohammadpoor, M., & Mehdizadeh, A. An Efficient ECC-based Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol.
Verma, K., Shukla, D., & Gangele, S. (2015). Approximating the Probability of Traffic Sharing by Numerical Analysis Techniques between Two Operators in a Computer Network. Open Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(1), 026-039.
Persson, J., & Lundbladh, M. (2015). Våga vara dig själv: Att fo¨rsta° och skapa en illusion av ljus med digitala medier.
Olaniyi, O. M., Arulogun, O. T., Omidiora, O. E., & Okediran, O. O. (2015). Implementing generic security requirements in e–voting using modified stegano–cryptographic approach. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 7(1), 64-90.
Omotosho, A., Adegbola, O., Mikail, O. O., & Emuoyibofarhe, J. (2015). A Secure Electronic Prescription System Using Steganography with Encryption Key Implementation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.01264.
Sathisha, N., Babu, K. S., Raja, K. B., & Venugopal, K. R. (2015). Steganography using Coefficient Replacement and Adaptive Scaling based on DTCWT. International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), 9(2), 41.
Patil, P. (2015). encryption for secure sms transmission. Compusoft, 4(6), 1876.
Jasuja, B., & Pandya, A. (2015). Crypto-Compression System: An Integrated Approach using Stream Cipher Cryptography and Entropy Encoding. International Journal of Computer Applications, 116(21).
Kumar, V., & Purusotham, S. (2015). A Lexi-Search Approach of Variant Vehicle Routing Problem. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 6(1).
Babu, K. S. international journal of engineering sciences & research technology a data guided lexi-serach approach for time dependent travelling salemsman problem.
Kundaikar, T. C., & Laxminarayana, J. A. (2015). Efficient Recognition of Devanagari Handwritten Text. In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 2 (pp. 81-88). Springer India.
Kulkarni, P. P., Patil, S., & Dhanokar, G. (2015). Marathi And Sanskrit Word Identification By Using Genetic Algorithm.
Singh, P., Verma, A., & Chaudhari, N. S. (2015). On the Performance Improvement of Devanagari Handwritten Character Recognition. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2015.
Jayakumar, A., Babu, G. S., Raman, R., & Nedungadi, P. (2015, October). Integrating Writing Direction and Handwriting Letter Recognition in Touch-Enabled Devices. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies: IC3T 2015 (Vol. 2, p. 393). Springer.
Joshi, D., & Pansare, S. (2015, February). Combination of Multiple Image Features along with KNN Classifier for Classification of Marathi Barakhadi. In Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 607-610). IEEE.
Dhaka, V. P., & Sharma, M. K. An efficient segmentation technique for Devanagari offline handwritten scripts using the Feedforward Neural Network. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-13.
Kabir, K. L., Shafin, M. K., Anannya, T. T., Debnath, D., Kabir, M. R., Islam, M. A., & Sarwar, H. Projection-Based Features: A Superior Domain for Handwritten Bangla Basic Characters Recognition.
Ajmire, P. E., Dharaskar, R. V., & Thakare, V. M. Feature Extraction and recognition of Modifiers in Handwritten Marathi (Devanagari) Text.
Shing, L., Astacio, J., Figueroa, A., & Shing, C. C. (2015, August). Vulnerabilities of radio frequencies. In Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2015 12th International Conference on (pp. 2682-2686). IEEE.
Kannan, D., & Gobi, M. (2015). An extensive research on robust digital image watermarking techniques: a review. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 8(1-2), 89-104.
Roy, A. J., & Student, F. Y. U. Emotional Text to Speech Synthesis in Indian Language.
Anil, M. C., & Shirbahadurkar, S. D. Expressive Speech Synthesis using Prosodic Modification for Marathi Language.
Shrivastava, S., Agrawal, C., & Jain, A. (2015). An IDS scheme against Black hole Attack to Secure AOMDV Routing in MANET. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.04801.
Maheswari, R., MCA, M. S. R., & PHIL, M. (2015, March). A Review on Types of Jamming Attack In Mobile Ad-Hoc Network. In Proceedings of the UGC Sponsored National Conference on Advanced Networking and Applications.
Pandhare, S. S., & Jawandiya, P. M. (2015, March). Security Goals and Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: An exclusive survey. In National Conference “CONVERGENCE (Vol. 2015, p. 28).
Filipek, J., & Hudec, L. (2015, January). Distributed firewall in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), 2015 IEEE 13th International Symposium on (pp. 233-238). IEEE.
Mohammed, A., Sofiane, B. H., & kamel Mohamed, F. (2015). A Cross Layer for Detection and Ignoring Black Hole Attack in MANET.
Mittal, V. (2015). Prevention and Elimination of Gray Hole Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks by Enhanced Multipath Approach. Prevention, 4(5).
Paliwal, G., Mudgal, A. P., & Taterh, S. (2015, January). A Study on Various Attacks of TCP/IP and Security Challenges in MANET Layer Architecture. In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (pp. 191-203). Springer India.
Dorri, A., Kamel, S. R., & Kheirkhah, E. (2015). Security challenges in mobile ad hoc networks: a survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.03233.
Singh, J., Singh, A., & Shree, M. R. (2015). An Assessment of Frequently Adopted Security Patterns in Mobile Ad hoc Network: Requirement and Security Management Perspective. Journal of Wireless Network and Microsystems, 4(1-2).
Suja, K. R., & Raglend, J. (2015). Cuckoo search (CS)-NFC-based UPQC for compensating voltage sag of nonlinear load. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, (ahead-of-print), 1-18.
Priest, B. W., Vuksani, E., Wagner, N., Tello, B., Carter, K. M., & Streilein, W. W. (2015, April). Agent-based simulation in support of moving target cyber defense technology development and evaluation. In Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Communications & Networking (pp. 16-23). Society for Computer Simulation International.
Wagner, N., Lippmann, R., Winterrose, M., Riordan, J., Yu, T., & Streilein, W. W. (2015, April).Agent-based simulation for assessing network security risk due to unauthorized hardware. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Agent-Directed Simulation (pp. 18-26). Society for Computer Simulation International.
Singh, Y., & Chugh, U. Clustering, Information Fusion and Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review.
Houngbo, P. J., & Hounsou, J. T. (2015). Measuring Information Security: Understanding And Selecting Appropriate Metrics. International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 9(2), 108.
Rani, C., & Goel, S. CSAAES: An Expert System for Cyber Security Attack Awareness.
Rasheed, Z. A. S. (2015). ’Steganography Technique for Binary Text Image. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online), 2319-7064.
Rubab, S., & Javed, Y. (2015). Efficient Image Steganogrphic Algorithms Utilizing Transforms: Wavelet and Contourlet with Blowfish Encryption. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), 7(2), 15.
Sahu, P., & Chourasia, B. (2015). State of the Art in Modern Steganography-A review. International Journal of Advanced Electronics and Communication Systems, 4(1).
Houngbo, P. J., & Hounsou, J. T. (2015). Measuring Information Security: Understanding And Selecting Appropriate Metrics. International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 9(2), 108.
Sen, P., Ahmed, R. A., & Islam, M. R. (2015). A Study on E-Commerce Security Issues and Solutions.
Aigbe, P., & Onibere, A. (2015). An Immediate Real Time Detection and Prevention of Double-Spending in Electronic Cash Payment System. International Journal of Computer Applications, 122(18).
Ab Rahman, N. H., & Choo, K. K. R. (2015). A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud. Computers & Security, 49, 45-69.
Amann, P., & James, J. I. (2015). Designing robustness and resilience in digital investigation laboratories. Digital Investigation, 12, S111-S120.
Agarwal, R., & Kothari, S. (2015). Review of Digital Forensic Investigation Frameworks. In Information Science and Applications (pp. 561-571). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Jafari, F., & Satti, R. S. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Digital Forensic Models. Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, 3(1).
Satti, R. S., & Jafari, F. (2015). Domain Specific Cyber Forensic Investigation Process Model. Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, 3(1).
Jiang, J. G., Yang, B., Lin, S., Zhang, M. X., & Liu, K. Y. (2015, April). A Practical Approach for Digital Forensic Triage. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 742, pp. 437-444).
Prayudi, Y., & Sn, A. (2015). Digital Chain of Custody: State of the Art. International Journal of Computer Applications, 114(5), 1-9.
Satti, R. S., & Jafari, F. (2015). Reviewing Existing Forensic Models to Propose a Cyber Forensic Investigation Process Model for Higher Educational Institutes.
Saleem, S. (2015). Protecting the Integrity of Digital Evidence and Basic Human Rights During the Process of Digital Forensics.
Mushtaque, K., Ahsan, K., & Umer, A. (2015). DIGITAL FORENSIC INVESTIGATION MODELS: AN EVOLUTION STUDY. JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 12(2), 233-243.
Mushtaque, K., Ahsan, K., & Umer, A. (2015).Digital Forensic investigation models:an evolution study. JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 12(2), 233-243.
Kurniati, F. T., Santoso, A. J., & Suyoto, S. (2015).printer forensik untuk identifikasi dokumen cetak. semnasteknomedia online, 3(1), 5-10.
Prayudi, Y., & Ashari, A. A Study on Secure Communication for Digital Forensics Environment.
KHAWASE, M. D. S.,deshmukh, m., kuche, s., & mahalle, a. international journal of pure and applied research in engineering and technology.
Swamy, V., Sampath, S., Nanjesh, B. R., & Sagar, B. B. (2015). Development of Common Parallel Programming Platform for MPI and PVM. In Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (pp. 95-103). Springer India.
Yadav, M. R., & Gill, N. S. (2015). Improvement in Performance of RSA Algorithm Using SLSB.
Bhanot, R., & Hans, R. (2015). A Review and Comparative Analysis of Various Encryption Algorithms. International Journal of Security & Its Applications, 9(4).
Farajallah, M. (2015). Chaos-based crypto and joint crypto-compression systems for images and videos (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITE DE NANTES).
Ayokunle, T. B., Ogah, U. S., & Binitie, A. P. (2015). Encryption and Decryption of Messages Using Advanced Encryption Standard and System of Nonlinear Equations. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, 27(1), 1.
Kulkarni, s. international journal of pure and applied research in engineering and technology.
Razzak, I. (2015). Malarial Parasite Classification using Recurrent Neural Network. International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), 9(2), 69.
DAS, D., Mukherjee, R., & Chakraborty, C. (2015). Computational microscopic imaging for malaria parasite detection: a systematic review. Journal of microscopy.
Razzak, M. I. (2015). Automatic Detection and Classification of Malarial Parasite. International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (IJBB), 9(1), 1.
Savkare, S. S., & Narote, S. P. (2015, January). Automated system for malaria parasite identification. In Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Chayadevi, M. L., & Raju, G. T. (2015). Automated Colour Segmentation of Malaria Parasite with Fuzzy and Fractal Methods. In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 3 (pp. 53-63). Springer India.
Hutagalung, B. T., & Syahputra, A. watermarking citra digital dengan information dispersal algorithm (ida) dan algoritma huffman.
Alabaichi, A. M. (2015). A Dynamic 3D S-Box based on Cylindrical Coordinate System for Blowfish Algorithm. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(30).
Alabaichi, A., & Salih, A. I. (2015, October). Enhance security of advance encryption standard algorithm based on key-dependent S-box. In Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC), 2015 Fifth International Conference on (pp. 44-53). IEEE.
Pourahmad, S., Azad, M., & Paydar, S. (2015). Diagnosis of Malignancy in Thyroid Tumors by Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks With Different Batch Learning Algorithms. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(6), p46.
Jasim, O. K., Abbas, S., Horbaty, E. S. M., & Salem, A. B. M. (2015). Evolution of an Emerging Symmetric Quantum Cryptographic Algorithm. arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.04796.
Kazlauskas, K., Vaicekauskas, G., & Smaliukas, R. (2015). An Algorithm for Key-Dependent S-Box Generation in Block Cipher System. INFORMATICA, 26(1), 51-65.
Shing, L. P., Shing, L. H., Shing, M. L., & Shing, C. C. (2015). modeling data integrity under stochastic linear constraints. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 6(2), 233-242.
Kariuki, P. (2015). generic process model for android smartphones live memory forensics (Doctoral dissertation).
Jeon, S., Fujita, H., & Toshiyoshi, H. (2015). A MEMS-based interactive laser scanning display with a collocated laser range finder. IEICE Electronics Express, 12(10), 20150072-20150072.
Fister, I., Ljubic, K., Suganthan, P. N., & Perc, M. (2015). Computational intelligence in sports: Challenges and opportunities within a new research domain. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 262, 178-186.
Korhonen, H. (2015). Improving Transparency in Demand-Supply Chain With Visual Business Intelligence Tools.
Alhirz, H., & Sajeev, A. S. M. (2015). Do cultural dimensions differentiate ERP acceptance? A study in the context of Saudi Arabia. Information Technology & People, 28(1), 163-194.
Almishal, A., & Alsaud, M. A. (2015). Implementing ERP Systems in Government: Case Study of Saudi Organization. Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, 3(2), 120.
Hammad, J. (2015). A Comparative Study between Various Sorting Algorithms. IJCSNS, 15(3), 11.
Bjeljac, P., Zecevic, I., & Perisic, B. (2015, May). Integrating Learning Management System and Faculty Information System-service oriented approach. In Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2015 38th International Convention on (pp. 773-777). IEEE.
Kavila, S. D., & Radhika, Y. (2015).Extractive Text Summarization Using Modified Weighing and Sentence Symmetric Feature Methods.
Loto, m., & durán, e. B. (2015). Diseño de una aplicación móvil personalizada de apoyo al aprendizaje de redes de computadoras. In x congreso sobre tecnología en educación & educación en tecnología (te & et)(corrientes, 2015).
Koondhar, m. Y., rind, m. M., chandio, f. H., & shah, a. (2015). Pervasive learning environment with emerging technologies and learning transformation. In international multi-topic conference.
Mohy, N. N., Mokhtar, H. M., & El-Sharkawi, M. E. (2015, July).Delegation enabled provenance-based access control model. In Science and Information Conference (SAI), 2015 (pp. 1374-1379). IEEE.
Dewi, D. (2015).Identifikasi goresan dasar mandarin dengan metode multilayer perceptron.CSRID Journal, 7(1), 12-23.
Yadav, M., & Dhankhar, A. (2015). A-Review on Image Steganography. International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology, 2(2), 243-248.
Yahlali, M., & Chouarfia, A. (2015). Towards a software component assembly evaluation. Software, IET, 9(1), 1-6.
Aigbe, P., & Onibere, A. (2015).An Immediate Real Time Detection and Prevention of Double-Spending in Electronic Cash Payment System. International Journal of Computer Applications, 122(18).
Alhazmi, O. H. Evaluating Disaster Recovery Plans Using Computer Aided Disaster Recovery Tools.
Das, S., & Ghosh, R. (2015). Study of randomness in AES ciphertexts produced by various types of dynamic S-boxes. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 7(6), 537-561.
Kaur, P. J., Kaul, V., Bharadi, V. A., & Narayankhedkar, S. K. Article: Development of Security Enhancement Techniques for 3G/4G Networks}. In IJAIS Proceedings on International Conference and Workshop on Communication, Computing and Virtualization} (pp. 41-46).
Kalaiselvi, K., & Mangalam, H. (2015). Power efficient and high performance VLSI architecture for AES algorithm. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology.
Ahamed, S. K., Naidu, M. M., & Reddy, C. S. R. (2015). MOST INFLUENTIAL OBSERVATIONS-SUPER EFFICIENCY. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 7(9), 82.
Ibrahim, M. H. AATCT: Anonymously Authenticated Transmission on the Cloud with Traceability. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 1(6), 251-259.
Pan Lan Lan Yuchi school Biao , Huan Lei , institutions, & statistics . (2015 ) . A rapid assessment authoritative DNS DDoS attacks impact on the way services Computer Application Research , 32 ( 11 ) , 3456-3459
Nagarajan, P., & Perumal, G. (2015). Detection of Denial of Service Attack in Cloud using Fuzzy Time Series Analysis and EM Algorithm. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 7(5), 25.
KARIMIZADEH, M. M., RAFEAZADEH, E., AMIRI, P., & KHOLGHNIK, D. (2015). Enhancing and Optimization Sorting Algorithms: An Empirical Study. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 36(6), 254-266.
Faujdar, N., & Ghrera, S. P. (2015, April). Analysis and Testing of Sorting Algorithms on a Standard Dataset. In Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2015 Fifth International Conference on (pp. 962-967). IEEE.
Biedermann, S. (2015). Transparent Security Services for an Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud.
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