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Total 928 records found in CSC-OpenAccess Library.
Enyue Lu, Qiang Duan
The Pennsylvania State University
Pages - 46 - 65     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Ankur Agarwal, A. S. Pandya, A. Arimoto, Y. Kinouchi
Florida Atlantic University
Pages - 66 - 81     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Xinying Zheng, Yu Cai
Michigan Technological University
Pages - 21 - 35     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Ankur Agarwal, E. B. Fernandez
Pages - 488 - 500     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Volume - 3,   Issue - 5, International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song
University of Missouri, Kansas City
Pages - 66 - 84     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Sachin Shetty, Ying Tang, William Collani
Tennessee State University
Pages - 36 - 45     |    Revised - 30-10-2009     |    Published - 30-11-2009
Hosni Ibrahim Abu-Mulaweh
Pages - 359 - 369     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009
Volume - 3,   Issue - 3, International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
Ankur Agarwal
Pages - 154 - 174     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009
Matthew Nwokejizie Anyanwu, Sajjan Shiva
Pages - 230 - 240     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009
Matthew Nwokejizie Anyanwu, Lih-Yuan Deng, Dasgupta Dipankar
Pages - 186 - 200     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009