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International Journal of Business Research Management (IJBRM)
An International peer-review journal operated under CSC-OpenAccess Policy.
ISSN - 2180-2165
Published - Bi-Monthly   |   Established - 2010   |   Year of Publication - 2024

September 30, 2024

October 31, 2024

November 30, 2024

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March 31, 2023


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Faith and Management (SIBRM8)
Professor Volker Kessler (volker.kessler@gbfe.eu)
   Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte & University of South Africa (South Africa)
Professor Stefan Jung (jung@cvjm-hochschule.de)
   CVJM-Hochschule/YMCA University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Aim of the Special Issue
To discuss the interdependences between faith and management, e.g. between faith and management decisions.

Background to the special issue
Nothing is more closely associated with the age of modernity than the belief that the world can be structured or organized. Whereas in ancient times, myths, religions and traditions determined a person's position in society and the scope for autonomy, with the Reformation and the Enlightenment, a general skepticism and rationalism took centre stage, empowering people more and more to take their fate into their own hands. As a result, the new post-religious meta-narrative of science emerged. Not faith but reason formed the basis of social integration and in this fairway industrialization, mechanization, economization and managerialism emerged as a process of shaping the world. There is no doubt that without the experience of its rational controllability, our world today would be a more backward and probably poorer world. At the same time, however, we have known for a long time that modernization seems to have reached its limits, which is discussed in detail in the academic discourses on reflexive modernization or post-modernity that speak of the end of all meta-narratives, including science itself. Because there are no longer any dominant positions from which our world can be deciphered, the question arises anew today as to the relationship between reason and faith.

Against this background, the editors would like to explore the dynamics of reference between management and faith and ask whether these two fundamentally different categories are capable of becoming productive for each other. If it is true that, from a postmodern perspective, neither reason nor faith can claim to interpret the world correctly on their own, then it would be worth investigating whether and how these two perspectives can benefit from each other. Current management theories have long since distanced themselves from a too rationalistic variety of management concepts based on causality and linearity alone. Instead, they are already looking at holism, multi-rationality and unavailability. Tolerance of ambiguity and the ability to deal with ambivalence seem to be among the most important management competencies for a complex society and an open and uncertain future. Faith (no matter in which philosophical or religious tradition it feels at home) would sometimes have an important contribution to make to this. However, the reverse is also true: Faith never manifests itself only in immediate human relationships, but needs forms that have to be organised. It therefore always finds expression in organisations such as churches or hospitals. They too are managed and built on rational decision-making principles. To better understand this particular dynamic is the guiding interest of this special issue

* Faith in Contemporary Management
* How to Deal with Failure
* Self-leadership
* The Faith of the Managers
* The Influence of Ethics on Management Decisions
* The Role of Spirituality in Decision-making