International Journal of Business Research Management (IJBRM)
ISSN - 2180-2165
Paper Submission - March 31, 2025
Author Notification - April 30, 2025
Issue Publication - May 31, 2025
Video presentations of editors and authors.
Journals - Bio science, Applied Sciences, Biometrics, Math, Marketing, Computer & Network Security.
As a peer-review and open access journal, International Journal of Business Research Management (IJBRM) invite papers with theoretical research/conceptual work or applied research/applications on topics related to research, practice, and teaching in all subject areas of business model and strategy, business processes, e-commerce, collaborative commerce and net-enhancement, finance & investment, general business research, management information systems, organizational behavior & theory, production/operations management , strategic management and systems and technopreneurship management. IJBRM is intended to be an outlet for theoretical and empirical research contributions for scholars and practitioners in the business field.
IJBRM establishes an effective communication channel between decision- and policy-makers in business, government agencies, and academic and research institutions to recognize the implementation of important role effective systems in organizations. IJBRM aims to be an outlet for creative, innovative concepts, as well as effective research methodologies and emerging technologies for effective business management.
The journal welcomes entrepreneurs, practitioners, managers, researchers, scientists, scholars, consultants and academics and invites them to disseminate their latest research articles in their respective fields.
Recognized by National Evaluation Agency of the University System and Research (ANVUR List) Italy.
Associate Professor Ivo Hristov - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Christian Harrison - University of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Rocco Frondizi - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Professor Paulo Alexandre Oliveira Duarte - University of Beira Interior (Portugal)
- Professor Violeta Cvetkoska - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics - Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)
- Dr. Karen Cripps - University of Winchester (United Kingdom)
- Associate Professor Pedro Jimenez Estevez - University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
- Professor Christopher P. Neck - Arizona State University (United States of America)
- Dr. Luna Leoni - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Michela Mingione - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Professor Bobek Suklev - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (Macedonia)
- Dr. Ammar Al-Bazi - Coventry University (United Kingdom)
- Associate Professor Pablo Ruiz-Palomino - Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain)
- Dr. Hadi Sarvari - Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad university (Iran)
- Dr. Ufuk Alpsahin Cullen - Edge Hill University (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Vincenzo Uli - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Dr. Anant Deshpande - SUNY Empire State College (United States of America)
- Dr. Francesco SCALERA - Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)
- Dr. Xenia Scimone - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Diego Altieri - Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Brazil)
- Dr. Rosa Hendijani - University of Tehran (Iran)
- Dr. Kingsley O. Omeihe - University of Aberdeen, Kings College (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Catherine Clark - University of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Ioana Andreea Stefan - Advanced Technology Systems (Romania)
- Associate Professor Pablo Rodriguez-Gutierrez - Universidad de Cordoba (Spain)
- Dr. Gabriele Palozzi - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Antonucci Gianluca - Universita Degli Studi Gabriele D'Annunzio - Cheiti/Pescara (Italy)
- Professor Zita Zoltay Paprika - Corvinus Business School (CBS) - Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary)
- Associate Professor Jan Polowczyk - Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland)
- Dr. Santiago Gutierrez Broncano - Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (Spain)
- Dr. Fiorella Pia Salvatore - University of Foggia (Italy)
- Dr. Eriona Shtembari - University of New York Tirana (Albania)
- Dr. Angela Andrea Caviedes Conde - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
- Dr. Andromahi Kufo - University of New York Tirana (Albania)
- Dr. Andrea Patricelli Malizia - IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)
- Dr. Delphine van Hoorebeke - Université de Toulon (France)
- Dr. Antonio Mastrogiorgio - IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)
- Dr. Sara Amoroso - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Vijaya Sekhar - International Institute of Information Technology (India)
- Dr. Muhammad Ilyas - College of Business Administration, University of Hail
(Saudi Arabia)
- Dr. Bla Josee Charlotte Eba - University of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Nasir Abimbola Kolade - University of Northampton (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Cristina Marullo - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy)
- Dr. Aynaz Lotfata - Chicago State University (United States of America)
- Dr. Francesco Scafarto - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Dr. Katie Mcquade - University of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Emanuele Gabriel Margherita - Link Campus University (Italy) & AUS American Institute of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) (Italy)
- Professor Volker Kessler - University of South Africa (South Africa)
- Professor Stefan Jung - YMCA University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Dr. Walter Vesperi - Magna-Grecia University of Catanzaro (Italy)
- Associate Professor John Opute - London South Bank University (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Riccardo Camilli - University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
- Associate Professor Riccardo Cimini - Tuscia University (Italy)
- Dr. Maria-Teresa Speziale - Sheffield University Management School (United Kingdom)
- Dr. Teresa Turzo - Università degli Studi di Roma UnitelmaSapienza (Italy)
- Dr. Silvia Baiocco - University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy)
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Any Other Interdisciplinary Research Relevant to Business, Research and Management
Business & Economics Education
Business Model and Strategy
Cross-Culture Issues in Business
Customer Relationship Management
Decision Support and Knowledge-based Systems
E-commerce, Collaborative Commerce and Net-enhancement
Economics Business and Economic Systems
General Business Research
Globalisation, Business and Systems
Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
Labor Relations & Human Resource Management
Management Information Systems
Management Systems and Sustainable Business
Marketing Theory and Applications
Modelling Simulation and Analysis of Business Process
Organizational Behavior & Theory
Production and Operations Systems
Production/Operations Management
Public Administration and Small Business Entreprenurship
Public Responsibility and Ethics
Strategic Management and Systems
Strategic Management Policy
Supply Chain and Demand Chain Management
Technologies and Standards for Improving Business
Technology & Innovation in Business Systems
Technopreneurship Management
Trust Issues in Business and Systems
Value Chain Modelling Analysis Simulation and Management
Value-based Management and Systems
Virtual Communities and Business
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Editorial Board Members
International Journal of Business Research Management (IJBRM)