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Total 228 records found in CSC-OpenAccess Library.
Mohammed A. M. Abdullah, F. H. A. Al-Dulaimi, Waleed Al-Nuaimy, Ali Al-Ataby
University of Mosul
Pages - 16 - 27     |    Revised - 31-03-2011     |    Published - 04-04-2011
Mohamed Alnas, Mahmud Mansour
Pages - 598 - 610     |    Revised - 31-01-2011     |    Published - 08-02-2011
Li Zhang
Teesside University
Pages - 45 - 60     |    Revised - 31-01-2011     |    Published - 08-02-2011
Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki, Roberto Ramirez-Iniguez, Scott G. McMeekin, Brian G. Stewart, Barry Clive
Pages - 1 - 15     |    Revised - 30-08-2010     |    Published - 30-10-2010
Noha Saleeb, Georgios Dafoulas
Pages - 210 - 218     |    Revised - 30-06-2010     |    Published - 10-08-2010
Volume - 4,   Issue - 3, International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
N B Bilgi, Dr. R V Kulkarni, Clive Spenser
Pages - 32 - 39     |    Revised - 30-06-2010     |    Published - 10-08-2010
Gbenga Salami, Rahim Tafazolli
Pages - 47 - 61     |    Revised - 25-02-2010     |    Published - 31-03-2010
Usman Zakir, Iffat Zafar, Eran A. Edirisinghe
Pages - 567 - 583     |    Revised - 31-01-2011     |    Published - 08-02-2010
Pages - 241 - 271     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009
A. Cazan, A.W.M Lung, Adnan, Godfried Williams, M. Safa
Pages - 36 - 47     |    Revised - 05-08-2009     |    Published - 01-09-2009
Volume - 3,   Issue - 3, International Journal of Security (IJS)