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Maturity Models in the Software Engineering Literature: An Analytical Overview
Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Pages - 1 - 19     |    Revised - 31-12-2024     |    Published - 01-02-2025
Volume - 10   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2025  Table of Contents
Maturity Models, OSMM, SMM, SPQMM, TMM, CMMI-SW, ISO 15504, Nastro Model.
A maturity models are structured and systematic frameworks designed to outline the key characteristics, attributes, and features that define effective processes or products. These models serve as a reference point or benchmark, allowing organizations to assess, compare, and evaluate the relative capabilities and effectiveness of their processes or products. By providing a clear pathway for progression, maturity models help organizations identify areas of strength, opportunities for improvement, and strategies for achieving higher levels of efficiency and quality. In the context of software engineering, maturity models are widely recognized and utilized as essential tools for evaluating both the development processes and the resulting software products. They are particularly valuable in assessing how well processes or products align with industry standards and best practices. Generally, maturity models in this domain are categorized into two primary types: process maturity models and product maturity models. Process maturity models focus on evaluating the evolution, refinement, and optimization of software development processes. These models assess how systematically and efficiently an organization develops, tests, delivers, and maintains software, aiming to enhance process performance and reliability over time. On the other hand, product maturity models concentrate on evaluating the quality, reliability, and overall sophistication of the software product itself. These models examine factors such as functionality, usability, scalability, and maintainability, offering insights into the readiness and robustness of the product. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the role and significance of maturity models within software engineering. It highlights their importance as tools for performance evaluation, fostering continuous improvement, and driving standardization across the industry.
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Dr. Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Associate Professor of Software Engineering, 412-1682 Chemin du Tremblay, Longueuil, QC J4N 1E1 - Canada

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