The editorial board always makes concerted efforts to ensure that only manuscripts that fit with reviewer’s areas of expertise are sent to reviewers for review. The editor believes that collectively, the journal editor, reviewers, and manuscript authors can contribute to the advancement of the journals by ensuring that the review process is among other things, comprehensive, constructive, courteous, developmental, fair, objective, and timely. CSC Journals always take care that the papers published in the journal must meet certain criteria relating to audience, technical content, and presentation.CSC Journals is expanding its network of specialized reviewers and looking for high profile scholars with strong academic background and invite them to join journal reviewer board. At CSC Journals we recognize the value and importance of peer review in the publication process, not only to enhance the manuscript quality, but also to enhance the credibility the journal.
Our reviewers are highly qualified academics and industrialists experts who ensure that only quality research should be published by CSC Journals. Reviewers are an essential part of any journal's success, ensuring that the papers published are of the highest quality. Reviewing papers will not only give you access to the current research and development but also gives you an opportunity to get involved in the research community and contribute to the quality peer-review process.
Reviewer Responsibilities
CSC Journals would like to invite the interested professionals and academics to contribute into CSC research network by joining us as a part of reviewers board. CSC Journals have defined certain responsibilities for reviewers which includes;- Timely communicate with CSC staff and Editors.
- Timely provide review comments.
- Review at least 2 paper/year relevant to the research area.
- Identify more qualified reviewers.
- Circulate Call for Papers to colleagues, academics and professional connections to secure timely publication of journal issues.
- Joint responsibility for marketing plans together with Publisher.
- Implements marketing plans, using a combination of online, print and physical channels.
- Increases the journal's profile using websites, social media and email communications.
Benefits And Previleges
- Reviewer's name and affiliation will be listed in the Journal’s website.
- Reviewers can become nominated for the “Reviewer’s Award”, which recognizes the outstanding support and role played in building International image of the journal.
- Additional letters will be provided confirming reviewer collaboration with CSC Journals in order for reviewers to improve their profile for academic purposes.
- Reviewers will be invited to launch or participate in Special Issue.
- Reviewers subscribing our journals through universities will get opportunity to publish their research papers in our journals without paying Article Processing Charges (APC).
- Reviewers can also propose the benefit that they intend to get through their collaboration with the journal.
If you are interested in joining our team of reviewers then submit your application to Register as Reviewer.
