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Digital Social Innovation and Sustainability: An Analysis of the Large-Scale Retailing Sector during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Federica Bosco, Gloria Fiorani, Luana La Bara, Chiara Di Gerio
Pages - 82 - 100     |    Revised - 11-01-2022     |    Published - 15-06-2022
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - January 31, 2022  Table of Contents
Digital Social Innovation, Covid-19, Large-scale Retailing, Sustainability.
The following paper analyzes the Digital Social Innovation (DSI) phenomenon and focuses on why new technological trends are essential both for the country's growth and for Sustainable Development. The study conducted focused on the consequences of Covid-19 on society and sectors in Italy, analyzing how a digital response was able to positively affect the growth of the Large-Scale Retailing (LSR) sector.

The ultimate goal is to understand the extent to which digitization affects economic, social, and environmental sustainability, and how this can have a positive impact on a country's long-term growth. All this is related to the case of the large-scale retail sector, examined as one of the few to have responded better, through processes of digital evolution, to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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Dr. Federica Bosco
Faculty of Economics/Department of Management and Law, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, 50 Cracovia St., 00133 Rome - Italy
Dr. Gloria Fiorani
Faculty of Economics/Department of Management and Law, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, 50 Cracovia St., 00133 Rome - Italy
Dr. Luana La Bara
Faculty of Economics/Department of Management and Law, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, 50 Cracovia St., 00133 Rome - Italy
Dr. Chiara Di Gerio
Faculty of Economics/Department of Management and Law, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, 50 Cracovia St., 00133 Rome -

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