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Employability In The Digital Age
Puja Khatri, Harshleen Kaur Pahwa
Pages - 1 - 22     |    Revised - 01-04-2022     |    Published - 20-05-2022
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - March 1, 2022  Table of Contents
Employability, Digital Literacy, Digital skills, Digital Age.
Digitization has transformed the way we work. Routine tasks and activities with low complexity require little human involvement. A high premium has been placed on dynamic capabilities of employees, bringing to fore the question of employability. Amid this tectonic shift, staying employable is a key concern for the workforce. As a substantial number of jobs today require some form of interaction with information technology (IT) systems, digital literacy has become a crucial skill for employees. In this article we review, synthesise and analyse the literature on employability in the era of digitization. We also identify three key themes that emerge from here- What constitutes as Digital Skills, Why Digital Skills are important for Employability, and How can these Digital Skills be developed to enhance employability. This review article makes a unique contribution to literature by assimilating two strands of literature-employability and digital literacy.
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Professor Puja Khatri
University School of Management Studies, GGSIP University (State University under Delhi Government), Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 - India
Miss Harshleen Kaur Pahwa
University School of Management Studies, GGSIP University (State University under Delhi Government), Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 - India

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