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The Interplay of Watching, Creation, Socialization, and Monetization on TikTok
Mickey Mengting Zhang, Cees de Bont
Pages - 1 - 20     |    Revised - 31-07-2022     |    Published - 31-08-2022
Volume - 4   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - August 2022  Table of Contents
User Experience, Innovation, Interplay, Short video platform, TikTok.
Purpose - Short video platforms (SVP), as a new form of social media, have become tremendously popular over the last few years. SVPs are not fully formed but are instead the result of the dynamic among platform, users, and designers. This research takes a closer look at how UX is innovated and interrelated on one such platform - TikTok.

Methodology/approach - After an introduction to the emergence of TikTok, the paper explored the concept of UX, the construct of SVP, and the experience innovation of each construct. Then we investigated the interplay of watching experience, creation experience, social experience, and monetization experience, as the four fundamental constructs of SVP. A survey with users of the platform was conducted to understand the interplay of the four constructs. Data was collected and analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM).

Findings - This paper argues that besides algorithms, UX design and innovation contribute to the success of SVP. The platform innovates in watching, creation, social, and monetization experiences, each of which is essential for the integrity of UX. We further investigated that what is the relationship among the four constructs; how they influence each other; and why the influence is essential. Based on the findings, we establish a UE-SVP model, which could be applied by practitioners and researchers to establish a new platform, or refine and assess an existent SVP.

Originality/value - This research extended the current understanding of the domain of SVP, which is an important topic in social media. This study represents a step toward understanding the UX innovation of SVP. It offers implications for designers and development teams.
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Dr. Mickey Mengting Zhang
Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macu University of Science and Technology, Macau, 999078 - China
Professor Cees de Bont
School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU - United Kingdom

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