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An Agile Software Development Framework
Malik F. Saleh
Pages - 97 - 106     |    Revised - 01-11-2011     |    Published - 15-12-2011
Volume - 2   Issue - 5    |    Publication Date - November / December 2011  Table of Contents
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Agility in software projects can be attained when software development methodologies attain to external factors and provide a framework internally for keeping software development projects focused. Developer practices are the most important factor that has to cope with the challenges. Agile development assumes a project context where the customer is actively collaborating with the development team. The greatest problem agile teams face is too little involvement from the customer. For a project to be agile, the developers have to cope with this lack of collaboration. Embracing changing requirements is not enough to make agile methods cope with business and technology changes. This paper provides a conceptual framework for tailoring agile methodologies to face different challenges. The framework is comprised of three factors, namely, developer practices, customer collaboration, and predicting change
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Dr. Malik F. Saleh
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University - Saudi Arabia

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