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Delphi Method: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Pages - 1 - 15     |    Revised - 31-12-2024     |    Published - 01-02-2025
Volume - 12   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2025  Table of Contents
Delphi Method, Structuring, Collecting Experts' Opinions
The Delphi method, originally conceived in the 1950s by Dalkey and Helmer, has emerged as a robust and versatile technique for eliciting expert opinions to tackle complex and multifaceted problems. It was first implemented in a study conducted by the Rand Corporation, aimed at forecasting the impact of technology on warfare. Over the years, its framework has been systematically refined and adapted by numerous researchers, leading to its establishment as a reliable and standard research tool across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Linstone and Turoff, notable contributors to the evolution of this method, describe it as a structured communication process designed to achieve group consensus through iterative rounds of feedback while preserving the anonymity of participants. This critical feature ensures that individual opinions are uninfluenced by group dynamics or hierarchical pressures, fostering a more egalitarian and unbiased exchange of ideas. Subsequent refinements to the method have further emphasized its utility in gathering informed judgments from experts using structured questionnaires, enabling a systematic exploration of diverse perspectives. The iterative nature of the process allows for the gradual refinement of opinions, with participants revisiting their responses in light of feedback from the group. This approach not only facilitates consensus but also enhances the depth and precision of insights generated. The Delphi method has gained particular acclaim for its effectiveness in addressing long-term forecasting and strategic decision-making challenges. It excels in distilling intricate and often tacit knowledge into coherent, actionable insights, making it invaluable in areas where direct empirical data may be limited or unavailable. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the Delphi method, beginning with its historical development and foundational principles. It will examine the method's inherent advantages, such as its ability to harness collective intelligence while minimizing biases, alongside its limitations, including potential challenges in expert selection and response attrition. Furthermore, the paper will delve into the various adaptations of the method, such as the Real-Time Delphi, Policy Delphi, and Decision Delphi, each tailored to specific research contexts. Finally, it will analyze the diverse applications of the Delphi method across disciplines, ranging from healthcare and education to technology forecasting and public policy, underscoring its enduring relevance as a powerful tool for structured problem-solving and collaborative inquiry.
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Associate Professor Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Associate Professor of Software Engineering, 412-1682 Chemin du Tremblay, Longueuil, QC J4N 1E1 - Canada

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