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Agile Knowledge Sharing
I. Burak Ersoy, Ahmed M. Mahdy
Pages - 1 - 15 | Revised - 31-1-2015 | Published - 28-2-2015
Published in International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE)
Agile Software Development, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Loss, Knowledge Hoarding.
In today's economy, enterprises require knowledge more than ever before. Employees are being classified through their skill set and experience, where the tacit knowledge of individuals is the key factor. The effect of knowledge hunger can be easily seen in agile software development teams. To sustain the quality permanence of software development, it is essential to transform individuals' tacit knowledge to core organizational knowledge. To achieve this goal, every software development process utilizes different knowledge sharing and creation approaches. In this paper, knowledge sharing issues are surveyed and categorized into: 1) sociological issues, 2) documentation issues, and 3) implementation issues with/without pair programming. Finally, a proposed technique, Knowledge Temple, is introduced as feasible improvement to well-known knowledge sharing problems for small agile software development teams.
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Dr. I. Burak Ersoy
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, TX 78412, USA - United States of America
Dr. Ahmed M. Mahdy
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - United States of America
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