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Novel Parallel - Perfix Structure Binary to Residue Number System Conversion Method
Omar Dajani
Pages - 1 - 13     |    Revised - 15-07-2012     |    Published - 10-08-2012
Volume - 3   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - October 2012  Table of Contents
Residue number system, binary to residue conversion, modulo adder, multiplexer
In the present world there is always a demand for faster algorithms and techniques that could boost up the speed of the computations. With the help of VLSI fabrication techniques and using residue number system (RNS) arithmetic we can achieve the faster speeds. In this paper we propose a novel parallel prefix binary to residue number system conversion method. The method that we present in this paper utilizes parallel-prefix technique with multiplexers and modulo adders as the main building blocks which makes it practical and suitable for VLSI implementation.
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Mr. Omar Dajani
Wayne State University - United States of America

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