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Edge Extraction with an Anisotropic Vector Field using Divergence Map
Giuliani Donatella
Pages - 255 - 272 | Revised - 15-07-2012 | Published - 10-08-2012
Published in International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP)
Edge Extraction, Active Contours, Anisotropic Flow, GGVF
The aim of this work is the extraction of edges by a deformable contour procedure, using an external force field derived from an anisotropic flow, with different external and initial conditions. By evaluating the divergence of the force field, we have generated a divergence map associated with it in order to analyze the field convergence. As we know, the divergence measures the intensity of convergence or divergence of a vector field at a given point, so by means level curves of the divergence map, we have automatically selected an initial contour for the deformation process. The initial curve must include areas from which the vector field diverges pushing it towards the edges. Furthermore the divergence map brings out the presence of curves pointing to the most significant geometric parts of boundaries corresponding to high curvature values, in this way it will result better defined the geometrical shape of the extracted object.
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Dr. Giuliani Donatella
Scientifc-Didactic Polo of Rimini, University of Bologna - Italy
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