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Identifying the Factors Affecting Users’ Adoption of Social Networking
Duygu Findik Coskuncay
Pages - 1 - 18     |    Revised - 15-01-2013     |    Published - 28-02-2013
Volume - 4   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - April 2013  Table of Contents
Social Networking Satisfaction, Structural Equation Modeling, Partial Least Squares
Through the rapid expansion of information and communication technologies, social networking sites have received much more attention in the scope of internet communication. Success of a social web primarily depends on users’ satisfaction. In this context, this study aims to identify the influencing factors that affect users’ satisfaction towards social networking site use. A multidimensional model has been proposed based on the Information Quality, System Quality, Environmental and Affective dimensions to assess the effects of key variables – Semantic Intention, Usability, Web-Page Aesthetics, Subjective Norm and Trust- on users’ satisfaction. Facebook was chosen as a focused social networking site, because of its popularity. A comprehensive survey instrument was applied to 203 Facebook users. Also, Structural Equation Modeling, particularly Partial Least Square, was conducted to analyze the proposed research model. As a result, proposed multidimensional research model predicts the factors influencing users’ satisfaction towards social networking site use and relationships among these factors. The findings of this research will be valuable for literature by analyzing the influencing factors that have not been previously researched in the context of social networking satisfaction area.
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Mr. Duygu Findik Coskuncay
Middle East Technical University - Turkey

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