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An Assessment of the Usability of ChatGPT
Johnathon Hall, Damian Schofield
Pages - 1 - 14     |    Revised - 31-12-2024     |    Published - 01-02-2025
Volume - 13   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2025  Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, ChatGPT, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Ethical Implications, Biological Science.
The prevalence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular Large Language Models (LLMs) in multiple areas of society is rapidly growing. This surge in popularity has attracted users of all age groups, leading to a substantial increase in the number of individuals interacting with AI tools. This research aims to examine the way both current and new users engage with ChatGPT (a generative AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in 2022) specifically for academic purposes, and evaluate the effectiveness of this engagement. The project seeks to scrutinize the accuracy of the results produced by ChatGPT, as well as the functionality of the interface and prompt generation within ChatGPT. Additionally, concerns regarding the ethical implications of employing an AI agent for academic research and writing along with accessibility and availability are examined. The study involves college students specializing in the field of biological science as well as their use of ChatGPT to develop research reports. This study finds that despite advances in ChatGPT, users struggle with creating effective inputs due to user interface challenges. It calls for improved LLM interfaces and user education while emphasizing the need for equitable access and ethical considerations by developers.
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Mr. Johnathon Hall
Department of Computer Science, State University of New York, Oswego, New York, 13126Department of Computer Science, State University of New York, Oswego, New York, 13126 - United States of America
Professor Damian Schofield
Department of Computer Science, State University of New York, Oswego, New York, 13126 - United States of America

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