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"Standing Up" For Students: Effects On Classroom Performance
Siobhan Taylor Smith, Harry Prapavessis
Pages - 1 - 6     |    Revised - 31-12-2016     |    Published - 31-01-2017
Volume - 7   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2017  Table of Contents
Standing Desk, Dynamic Sitting Desk, Classroom Performance, University Students.
It is known that there are many health risks associated with prolonged sedentary time, but breaking up periods of sitting can reduce these risks (Healy, 2008). University students experience excessive sedentary time during class. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sitting, dynamic sitting, and standing desks on classroom performance of university students. Based on a randomization sequence, 40 participants (N = 20, females, M age = 20.9) performed three classroom simulations using a classic, dynamic sitting, and standing desk. Each simulation included a typing and memory task. Participants were asked to type the paragraph displayed as fast and as accurate as possible while paying attention to a video. Following the video participants answered multiple-choice questions to assess memory. Results showed no significant differences in speed-accuracy or memory (all p values > .05, ?2 effect size range 0.001-0.027) between sitting, dynamic sitting, and standing desks.
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Miss Siobhan Taylor Smith
Exercise and Health Psychology Laboratory Room 408, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Health Science Building The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada - Canada
Dr. Harry Prapavessis
Exercise and Health Psychology Laboratory Room 408, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Health Science Building The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada - Canada

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