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Software Design Level Vulnerability Classification Model
Shabana Rehman, Khurram Mustafa
Pages - 238 - 255     |    Revised - 15-07-2012     |    Published - 10-08-2012
Volume - 6   Issue - 4    |    Publication Date - August 2012  Table of Contents
Security Vulnerabilities, Classification, Machine Leaning, Design Phase
Classification of software security vulnerability no doubt facilitates the understanding of security-related information and accelerates vulnerability analysis. The lack of proper classification not only hinders its understanding but also renders the strategy of developing mitigation mechanism for clustered vulnerabilities. Now software developers and researchers are agreed on the fact that requirement and design phase of the software are the phases where security incorporation yields maximum benefits. In this paper we have attempted to design a classifier that can identify and classify design level vulnerabilities. In this classifier, first vulnerability classes are identified on the basis of well established security properties like authentication and authorization. Vulnerability training data is collected from various authentic sources like Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) etc. From these databases only those vulnerabilities were included whose mitigation is possible at the design phase. Then this vulnerability data is pre-processed using various processes like text stemming, stop word removal, cases transformation. After pre-processing, SVM (Support Vector Machine) is used to classify vulnerabilities. Bootstrap validation is used to test and validate the classification process performed by the classifier. After training the classifier, a case study is conducted on NVD (National Vulnerability Database) design level vulnerabilities. Vulnerability analysis is done on the basis of classification result.
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Mr. Shabana Rehman
Salman bin Abdul Aziz University - Saudi Arabia
Professor Khurram Mustafa
Jamia Millia Islamia - India

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