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Differences in Frequencies between Linking Verbs and Relative Pronouns in Written Language
Thanaa Abdulrazzaq Alhabuobi
Pages - 34 - 48     |    Revised - 31-08-2020     |    Published - 01-10-2020
Volume - 11   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - October 2020  Table of Contents
Linguistics, Computer, Concordances, Linking Verbs, Pronouns.
This study was conducted primarily to investigate two areas of linguistic analysis. The study aimed to analyze two types of associations: lexical-grammatical associations and grammatical-grammatical associations. The method used in this study was descriptive and analytic. With regard to lexical-grammatical associations, four linking verbs were selected to explore differences among them with respect to their occurrences in the selected texts. Concerning grammatical-grammatical associations, two relative pronouns were selected to identify differences among them with respect to their occurrences in the selected texts. The pronouns were specifically selected in terms of their use as a subject in essential (restrictive) adjective clauses. For purposes of the current research, seventeen articles were selected from Internet databases. The topics of all articles involved health-life problems. The Simple Concordancer Program was applied to find collocations and frequencies of the target words. The study was delimited to four linking verbs: be, seem, look, and feel. It was also delimited to two relative pronouns used as a subject in restrictive adjective clauses. The findings of the study revealed no significant differences between occurrences of the linking verbs. However, the verb (be) occurred relatively more frequently than (seem, look, and feel). On the other hand, the verb (look) was the least frequent verb among all verbs. The findings also showed significant differences between occurrences of the subject relative pronouns. More specifically, the pronoun (who) occurred more frequently than the pronoun (that).
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Dr. Thanaa Abdulrazzaq Alhabuobi
Arts & Humanities/ Language & Translation, Taibah University, Almadinah Almunawarrah/ 344 - Saudi Arabia

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