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Are Gender Quotas Working Properly?
Tommaso Fornasari
Pages - 28 - 53     |    Revised - 30-04-2023     |    Published - 01-06-2023
Volume - 14   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - June 2023  Table of Contents
Corporate Governance, Gender Balance, Gender Diversity, Quotas, Board of Directors.
The objective of this article is to investigate the extent to which corporate governance principles can have an impact on other areas, specifically by examining whether the introduction of quotas for women on corporate boards can promote gender balance beyond the companies themselves. Through data collection and analysis, the study examines the secondary effects of quota laws in Italy and tests two hypotheses: first, whether women are underrepresented on boards of companies not covered by quota laws, and second, whether the percentage of women in key decision-making positions increases after the introduction of quota laws. The research methodology adopted for this paper is mixed and starts from a research question, whose answer is the result of the validation of two hypothesis. The study reveals that while quota laws have a positive effect on gender equality within the companies directly affected, they may not necessarily lead to wider cultural change. The research provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of coercive systems for achieving gender equality, which can be used by practitioners and board members to guide their companies' efforts in the area of gender equality, and by policymakers and authorities to develop effective gender policies based on objective results rather than political bias. By exploring the potential social impact of this regulatory approach, specifically on key decision-making positions in the economic, political, and social fields, the paper addresses a gap in the literature that has previously focused mainly on the positive economic effects of gender equality.
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Dr. Tommaso Fornasari
Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia, Brescia, 25122 - Italy

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