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Fooling the company – The Corporate Jester As Driving Force For Organizational Change
Thomas Köllen
Pages - 325 - 332     |    Revised - 15-11-2012     |    Published - 31-12-2012
Volume - 3   Issue - 6    |    Publication Date - December 2012  Table of Contents
Corporate Jester, Humor, Organizational Change, Diversity Management, Inclusion
This conceptual article proposes the establishing of the position of a corporate jester to support organizational change processes. The article focuses on the inevitable transformations companies have to go through, given the diversification and pluralization of the workforce. The corporate jester theoretically is framed as part of an organizational “comical artifact staging”, that by utilizing humor as an element of organizational change, experiences more openness and less resistance than more educative tools.
CITED BY (2)  
1 Mikkola, I., & Kalliopuska, R. (2019). Jesters role in organizational creativity.
2 Ozturk, M. B., & Tatli, A. (2018). Sexuality, gender identity and career journeys. In Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Dr. Thomas Köllen
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) - Austria

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