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Face Images Database Indexing for Person Identification Problem
Jyotirmay Dewangan , Somnath Dey, Debasis Samanta
Pages - 93 - 122     |    Revised - 15-08-2013     |    Published - 15-09-2013
Volume - 7   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - September 2013  Table of Contents
Biometric, Face Identification, Biometric-data Indexing, SURF, Index Key Generation.
Face biometric data are with high dimensional features and hence, traditional searching techniques are not applicable to retrieve them. As a consequence, it is an issue to identify a person with face data from a large pool of face database in real-time. This paper addresses this issue and proposes an indexing technique to narrow down the search space. We create a two level index space based on the SURF key points and divide the index space into a number of cells. We define a set of hash functions to store the SURF descriptors of a face image into the cell. The SURF descriptors within an index cell are stored into kd-tree. A candidate set is retrieved from the index space by applying the same hash functions on the query key points and kd-tree based nearest neighbor searching. Finally, we rank the retrieved candidates according to their occurrences. We have done our experiment with three popular face databases namely, FERET, FRGC and CalTech face databases and achieved 95.57%, 97.00% and 92.31% hit rate with 7.90%, 12.55% and 23.72% penetration rate for FERET, FRGC and CalTech databases, respectively. The hit rate increases to 97.78%, 99.36% and 100% for FERET, FRGC and CalTech databases, respectively when we consider top fifty ranks. Further, in our proposed approach, it is possible to retrieve a set of face templates similar with query template in the order of milliseconds. From the experimental results we can substantiate that application of indexing using hash function on SURF key points is effective for fast and accurate face image retrieval.
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Mr. Jyotirmay Dewangan
NetApps - India
Dr. Somnath Dey
Indian Institute of Technology Indore - India
Dr. Debasis Samanta
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - India

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