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Method for Estimation of Grow Index of Tealeaves Based on Bi-Directional Reflectance Distribution Function: BRDF Measurements With Ground Based Network Cameras
Kohei Arai
Pages - 52 - 62     |    Revised - 31-03-2011     |    Published - 04-04-2011
Volume - 1   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - December 2010  Table of Contents
tealeaves, nitrogen content, fiber content, BRDF, Grow Index, Theanine
Estimation methods for grow index as well as total nitrogen and fiber contents in tealeaves based on spectral reflectance and Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function: BRDF measurements with ground based network cameras is proposed. Also tea estate monitoring system with network cameras is proposed. Due to a fact that Near Infrared: NIR camera data shows a good correlation to total nitrogen while that shows negative correlation to fiber contents, it is possible to estimate nitrogen and fiber contents in tealeaves with NIR camera data. Through a comparison between actual direct measured and the estimated total nitrogen and fiber contents shows a good correlation so that a validity of the proposed method is confirmed. Also it is found that monitoring of a grow index of tealeaves with BRDF measured with networks cameras is capable. Thus it is concluded that a monitoring of tea estates is capable with network cameras of visible and NIR.
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2 Arai, K., Sasaki, Y., Kasuya, S., & Matusura, H. (2015). Appropriate Tealeaf Harvest Timing Determination Based on NIR Images.
3 Arai, K., Sakashita, M., Shigetomi, O., & Miura, Y. (2015). Relation between Rice Crop Quality (Protein Content) and Fertilizer Amount as Well as Rice Stump Density Derived from Helicopter Data. Relation, 4(7).
4 Arai, K., Sasaki, Y., Kasuya, S., & Matusura, H. Appropriate Tealeaf Harvest Timing Determination Referring Fiber Content in Tealeaf Derived from Ground based Nir Camera Images.
5 Arai, K., Sakashita, M., Shigetomi, O., & Miura, Y. (2014). Estimation of Protein Content in Rice Crop and Nitrogen Content in Rice Leaves Through Regression Analysis with NDVI Derived from Camera Mounted Radio-Control Helicopter. Editorial Preface, 3(3).
6 Li, N., Zhang, M., Nie, D., & Jiang, W. Q. (2014). An Analysis of Near-field Scattering Characteristics of Rough Target: From the Perspective of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Based on LS-SVM. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 39, 1-9.
7 Arai, K. Rice Crop Quality Evaluation Method through Regressive Analysis between Nitrogen Content and Near Infrared Reflectance of Rice Leaves Measured from Near Field.
8 Arai, K. (2013). Discrimination Method between Prolate and Oblate Shapes of Leaves Based on Polarization Characteristics Measured with Polarization Film Attached Cameras. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2(12).
9 Arai, K. (2013). Method for tealeaves quality estimation through measurements of degree of polarization, leaf area index, photosynthesis available radiance and normalized difference vegetation index for characterization of tealeaves. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, 2(11), 17-24.
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Professor Kohei Arai
Saga University - Japan

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