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Action Research: The Bridge Connecting Research, Practice and Theory
Alexan Hagopian
Pages - 1 - 14     |    Revised - 30-09-2022     |    Published - 31-10-2022
Volume - 9   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - October 2022  Table of Contents
Action Research, Theory and Practice Gap, Theory and Practice Bridge, Action Research Origin, Action Research Development, Action Research Stance, Action Research Process.
Action Research as a scientific approach capitalizes on collaboration between researcher and participants to collect information, solve problems, and deliver new results. It is one of the many management research methodologies at the disposal of researchers today though it remains a highly debated one. Literature debates its characteristics using either a thematic approach or case studies without a comprehensive review of themes to answer the question ‘How does Action Research bridge the gap between research, practice, and theory?’. The current work carries out a content-based literature review of published articles on Action Research to highlight its ability as a methodology to outperform others in bridging this gap. It addresses the origin, definition, process, and stance of Action Research and aims to compile supporting evidence on its distinct bridging feature. It concludes that indeed Action Research possesses this distinct feature in more than one way. First, through a clear integration between various social science disciplines uncommon among managers due to higher levels of specialization involved in jobs. Second, through matching the problems faced by managers and the problem addressed by social scientists. Third, through the creation of social integration between social scientists and practitioners by bringing together the former with their academic interests and inclination to make contributions to knowledge and the latter with theircareer interests. Finally, Action Research remains a unique methodology that guides practitioners to understand the workplace and achieve an improvement of a problem situation, while incentivizing them to work better on perceived problems, be more effective and supportive while working collaboratively, and develop their skills.
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Mr. Alexan Hagopian
Department of Accounting and Auditing, Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Beirut - Lebanon

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