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“Right-sized,” Contextualized Faith: The Challenging Cooperation of FBDOs with Institutional Donors
Matthias Hoehne
Pages - 56 - 70     |    Revised - 30-06-2022     |    Published - 31-03-2023
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - September 30, 2022  Table of Contents
FBDO, Faith-based Organizations, Institutional Donors, Faith Identity, Humanitarian Development, Spirituality.
This paper explores the challenging cooperation between faith-based development organizations (FBDOs) and institutional donors. It argues that FBDOs need to find their “right-sized,” contextualized faith by understanding their unique developmental and spiritual contributions and the challenges they face. Five distinctive contributions of FBDOs are described: extensive networks, community engagement at multiple levels, holistic and innovative approaches, higher trust level, and spiritual capital. Then four challenges they face are set forth: instrumentalization, a need to constantly prove themselves, proselytism, and downplay of spiritual identity. In light of the FBDOs distinctive contributions and challenges, seven practical recommendations for FBDOs to achieve “right-sized,” contextualized faith are presented, namely, to aim for a) “right-sized, contextualized programs, b) “right-sized” funding, and c) “right-sized” faith.
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Dr. Matthias Hoehne
International Programme Division, World Vision Deutschland e.V., Am Zollstock 2, 61381 Friedrichsdorf - Germany

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