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The Diffusion And Implementation of Innovation
Coyan Tromp
Pages - 18 - 30     |    Revised - 15-11-2012     |    Published - 31-12-2012
Volume - 2   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - December 2012  Table of Contents
Knowledge Creation, Diffusion of Innovation, Technology Implementation, Change Management
In their efforts to try and meet the requirements of the ‘new economy’, corporations would be helped with a conceptual framework in which their innovative business models are combined with new perceptions of knowledge creation, the diffusion and implementation of innovations and change management. To come up with adequate problem analyses and (business) solutions for the complex issues they address, corporations need not only technological knowledge, but also have to gain insight into how technologies relate to the values of people, and how they can be implemented successfully. Action research set up in the form of reciprocal Human Resource Management projects is particularly designed to create solutions and implement strategies that cover this whole spectrum. In a corporate effort of academic researchers and experts in the field, technological and practical knowledge and skills are integrated in a mutual learning and knowledge creation process aimed at the implementation of innovative solutions. With that, it provides an answer to the call for a new knowledge and innovation paradigm that serves to support the ‘new economy’.
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1 Jondle, D., Maines, T. D., Burke, M. R., & Young, P. How Leaders Can Survive the Next Financial Crisis.
2 Tromp, C. Beyond “Business as Usual”–A Truly Rational Approach to Smart Technology Implementation.
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Dr. Coyan Tromp
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies - Netherlands

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