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Empirical Study of Software Development Life Cycle and its Various Models
Mohd. Ehmer Khan, S. G. M. Shadab, Farmeena Khan
Pages - 16 - 26     |    Revised - 31-05-2020     |    Published - 30-06-2020
Volume - 8   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - June 2020  Table of Contents
Waterfall, Spiral, V-Model, Iterative, Big Bang, Agile, Rapid Application Model.
A process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high quality software is called software development life cycle. The main aim of SDLC is to produce high quality software that meats customer expectation. We can also refer SDLC as Application Development Life Cycle. SDLC is not a methodology it is a description of various phases that are involved in software development starting from project definition to deployment and sustainment. These SDLC phases serve as a programmatic guide to project activity. In our paper we have explain various SDLC models (Waterfall, Spiral, V-Model, Iterative, Big Bang, Agile and Rapid Application Model).
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Mr. Mohd. Ehmer Khan
Department of Information Technology, Al Musanna College of Technology (Ministry of Manpower), P.O. Box-191, PC-314 - Oman
Mr. S. G. M. Shadab
Department of Information Technology, Al Musanna College of Technology, P.O. Box-191, PC-314 - Oman
Miss Farmeena Khan
Department of Computer Science, EILLM University, Jorethang, Sikkim - India

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