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Planning in Markov Stochastic Task Domains
Yong Lin, Fillia Makedon
Pages - 54 - 64     |    Revised - 30-08-2010     |    Published - 30-10-2010
Volume - 1   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - October  Table of Contents
Markov decision processes, POMDP, task planning, uncertainty, decision-making
In decision theoretic planning, a challenge for Markov decision processes (MDPs) and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) is, many problem domains contain big state spaces and complex tasks, which will result in poor solution performance. We develop a task analysis and modeling (TAM) approach, in which the (PO)MDP model is separated into a task view and an action view. In the task view, TAM models the problem domain using a task equivalence model, with task-dependent abstract states and observations. We provide a learning algorithm to obtain the parameter values of task equivalence models. We present three typical examples to explain the TAM approach. Experimental results indicate our approach can greatly improve the computational capacity of task planning in Markov stochastic domains.
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Mr. Yong Lin
University of Texas at Arlington - United States of America
Professor Fillia Makedon
- United States of America

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